The Final Solution to the Probie problem

Good evening my fellow sifters.

Our siftopia has evolved from a small tight-knit community to a sprawling metropolis. There are benefits to this, but there are certainly also downsides. Out sifting draws attention from outsiders, which means that their influence can affect the way a video is sifted. We want everybody to have a voice and a vote, but perhaps this is a misguided view.

We've seen the onslaught of probies in which some of us still want resifted and revoted on.

These are the "hit and run" sifters, which are diluting our votes and sapping our precious bodily fluids. Lately another video is under the watchful eyes of the siftopian community:

I fear that many of the P-voters there are similar "hit and runs", who will never return again after voting for their video.

This unruly behavior must be struck down swiftly and mercilessly. Es ist zeit für recht!

I propose plans to eradicate the P-voter, but we should probably keep it quiet until they are safely on their way to the camps... shhh.

I do not present the only solution, but a possible solution. We must control this or the ideals of the sift are distorted and destroyed.

Maybe a user must get out of probation before he or she is considered a siftizen?

End probie suffrage! Let them prove worthy of their votes!

Thank you for your time.
Good night and good luck.

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